This is 'Daisy' (standing) and 'Duke' (laying down)-they are Black Angus (beef) crossed with Brown Swiss (dairy/dual purpose). Chris picked them up on the evening of Dec. 15, 09. They were born 5.10.09 in Ulster county. In the winter they get wonderful morning sun in their stall and then go & take the goats stall for the afternoon sun! They LOVE our hay on which we don't use chemical fertilizers or weed sprays. All natural - all the way. Chris plans to fence in a part of the field this Spring for all the cows to graze for the growing season. There will be access to a running stream and to the woods for shelter from the heat. By moving them for the summer it will make space by the barns for the goats, llamas & horses to graze. One big happy family!
Driveway: snowy
F.S. contents: EGGS, mulch HAY
General comments: The sun sure feels good today - it's been nasty cold here for what seems like a long time - but hey, that's winter for you right?!
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