Fitzgerald's on the Farm

Fitzgerald's on the Farm
Sue & Chris w/ dogs "Blue" & "Ruby"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

wet chicken

Here is a story from about 2 wks ago....
Chris & I went out to do afternoon chores one the time I caught up to Chris in the 'horse barn' he told me he had just found a rooster floating in the horses water bucket. He pulled the rooster out, dried him off and laid him on some hay. It was COLD that day so I made a bed of hay under a heat lamp and placed the rooster there. He was shivering and not trying to move. In an hour we came to check on him....that side was drying nicely so I moved him so his other side was facing the heat lamp and in another hour he was up & moving about. By the evening he was wanting to rejoin his flock again.
Another crisis averted!
Have no idea what caused him to get in the water bucket but I don't think he'll do it again!

Unless something crazy happens tomorrow I'll post pics of the new cows.

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